Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m the mutual journey of body and soul;
I am simile chocolates, and metaphor bowl;
I’m a prison decree with no hope of parole;
And the breakfast that Mikey was one to extol.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Asher. See comments for answer.

3 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Asher Says:


  2. Dharam Says:

    I’m the mutual journey of body and soul;
    I am simile chocolates, and metaphor bowl;
    I’m a prison decree with no hope of parole;
    And the breakfast that Mikey was one to extol.

    Who am I?


    “LIFE is full of beauty. Notice it…” (Ashley Smith)

    In my New Mexico home I see a toad, a roadrunner,
    a mama jackrabbit, a poor motherless pup to adopt,
    the old owl (who-who), the naked moon.

  3. Bill Says:

    LIFE is correct. Way to go, Asher!

    And nice anagramming, Dharam!

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