Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a saturnine satellite; home on the range;
I’m a critic’s review that you would not arrange;
I’m a goat-footed god that might often seem strange;
And a mischievous boy who refuses to change.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Ro. See comments for answer.

2 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. ro Says:

    Peter Pan?

  2. Bill Says:

    PAN is correct! Way to go, Ro!

    And a new record at that. Fifteen minutes. I gotta start making these harder.

    Line 1: Pan is a moon of Saturn; A frying pan is at home on the range (the top of a stove)

    Line 2: A negative review from a critic is a pan

    Line 3: Pan is the Greek god of nature and has goat-like features

    Line 4: Peter Pan

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