Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m the ram on the front of a popular truck;
A locale where a gunslinger tests out his luck;
How a slick politician when questioned can duck;
And evading a ball to avoid being struck.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Neel Mehta. See comments for answer.

3 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Neel Mehta Says:

    In Dickens, one did it Artful, and with pluck;
    And as kiddie lit, her Hans Brinker stuck.

    Not my best couplet, but the streak had to end…


  2. Bill Says:

    DODGE is correct. Way to go, Neel!

    For once, the time zone shift actually worked in your favor. Sorry, Ro.

    Line 1: Dodge Trucks

    Line 2: Dodge City – Setting of Gunsmoke and other westerns

    Line 3: Dodging a question

    Line 4: Dodgeball

  3. ro Says:

    Well done Neel!

    You know…even if I had had easy access to the net, you would have gotten it anyway. I got stuck on the gunslinger…

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