Archive for May 18th, 2009

Question of the Week

Monday, May 18th, 2009

WARNING: There are spoilers for this season of 24 below. If you haven’t watched it yet, and you intend to, stop reading now.

After watching the Season Finale of 24, tonight’s Question of the Week was going to be this:

What part of “Season Finale” don’t you understand, 24?

But I have a bigger question that was inspired by some of the events in the last few episodes. If you haven’t seen them, here are the main points relevant to my question:

Olivia has a serious grudge against Jonas. She contacts her friend Martin and asks if he knows someone who can kill Jonas for her. Martin gives her number to an anonymous Hitman. Hitman calls Olivia and gives her a bank account number and a price. He tells her that, after she transfers the money into the bank account, he will kill Jonas. She agrees, but after she gets off the phone, she gets cold feet and decides not to transfer the money. She has no way to contact Hitman directly. Hitman realizes he will soon lose his window of opportunity to kill Jonas, and contacts Martin, who vouches for Olivia being good for the money. Hitman kills Jonas. Olivia contacts Martin, who tells her that she should transfer the money because Hitman isn’t the kind of guy you want to mess with. Out of fear, Olivia transfers the money.

The Question of the Week is this:

Is Olivia guilty of murder? If so, what category?

You can also feel free to post your thoughts on this season of 24, or the Season Finale.

WARNING: Comments may contain additional spoilers.