Thursday Morning Riddle: Guest Riddler Edition

I was on a retreat yesterday for the teacher training organization where I work. For one activity, we had to teach a skill we had to a colleague. My partner was our tech guru Evan O’Donnell, and instead of having him teach me something useful, we decided that I should teach him my method for writing riddles.

He then wrote one of his own (under extreme time pressure), and I was so impressed with how it turned out that I asked him if I could publish it here. Enjoy!

I’m a set of approaches with rules that are stern;
An aligned group of fishes, all swimming in turn;
Nirvana sings me for the money they earn;
Or I’m simply a building for students to learn.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Asher. See comments for answer.

2 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle: Guest Riddler Edition”

  1. Asher Says:


  2. Bill Says:

    SCHOOL is correct. Way to go, Asher!

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