Thursday Morning Riddle

I am not someone’s heart, but I’m worn on your sleeve;
You have seen it on TV: the weakest must leave;
I connect Kevin Bacon to Christopher Reeve;
And I’m missing, but out there, as some still believe.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Annalisa. See comments for answer.

3 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Annalisa Says:

    Link! Brilliant!

  2. Neel Mehta Says:

    Nice meta-use of the hyperlink.

    (Curiously, Bacon and Reeve never did anything together. So it’s only an indirect connection. And a rhyme.)

  3. Bill Says:

    LINK is correct. Way to go, Annalisa!

    Sorry for the delay; I’ve been out of town.

    As for the third line, I was thinking more like “I can link Kevin Bacon to Christopher Reeve in three degrees.” That’s how I’ve used the word in the past on this blog. But, yeah, in the end I needed the rhyme. In the end, I always do.

    And thanks for noticing the meta-joke. You may also enjoy this one.

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