Thursday Morning Riddle: Special Edition

To the Romans, I’m D (yes, we’ve been here before);
I’m the miles the Proclaimers would walk (and then more);
I’m an Indy car race; I am Fortune’s top drawer;
And this riddle, by number, for those keeping score.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Trish White. See comments for answer.

5 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle: Special Edition”

  1. Trish White Says:

    I’m a 500, or a five hundred.

    Is today really the 500th Thursday morning riddle?!?


  2. Asher Says:

    Amazing run, Bill! Congrats!

  3. Bill Says:

    500 is correct. Way to go, Trish White!

    And thanks to Trish and Asher as well. I can’t believe I’ve actually written 500 of these, but here we are.

    This is the 485th post in the Riddle category. The other 15 riddles are outlined in the comments for Riddle 100, which also provides context for the first line above.

    The first Thursday Morning Riddle was posted January 11, 2007. That was exactly 662 weeks ago. That means I’ve posted a riddle over 73% of Thursdays since the feature began (485/663).

  4. Rebecca Says:

    Congratulations! Impressive run of riddles. I am proud of myself too for having been first to solve approximately 1.5% of them.

  5. Bill Says:

    Thanks, Rebecca! I know you have solved more than that without being the first to post.

    I am grateful to everyone who takes time to visit, and I hope you all enjoy the next 500 riddles!

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