Conundrum: All The King’s Venn

In a Venn Diagram puzzle, there are three overlapping circles, marked A, B, and C. Each circle has a different rule about who or what can go inside. The challenge is to guess the rule for each circle. You can find a more detailed explanation of Venn Diagram puzzles, along with an example, here.

For this particular puzzle, the three rules vary significantly in difficulty, for a three-layered challenge. A is much easier than B, and C is much harder. And just so you don’t suspect me of trickery (a perfectly reasonable suspicion), I will tell you in advance that all eight names below refer to monarchs of England.

Have you figured out one of the rules? Two? All three? Feel free to post whatever you’ve got in the comments below. Just tell us which circle you’re solving, and what the rule is.


UPDATE: Circles A and B solved by DeLisa. See comments for all three answers.

6 Responses to “Conundrum: All The King’s Venn”

  1. DeLisa Says:

    Well A is that they’re all King Henrys right? And B is that they’re all Tudors? And I’m stumped on C….

  2. Bill Says:

    Correct on both counts! Way to go!

    C is the toughest of the three. Good luck to all!

  3. Bill Says:

    The answers:

    A: Henry

    B: Tudor

    C: Married Spanish Nobility

  4. anoymous Says:

    Elizabeth I never married anyone. You need to get your history correct.

  5. anoymous Says:

    Elizabeth I never married anyone. You need to get your history correct.

  6. Bill Says:


    It’s true that Elizabeth I never married anyone.

    If you look at the diagram, you will see that Elizabeth I is included in Circle B, but not Circle C.

    Only Circle C members married Spanish nobility. Circle B members were Tudors. So Elizabeth I is in the correct place in the diagram.

    You can follow the link in the first paragraph to learn more about Venn diagrams.

    Thanks for commenting!

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