Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m the fur on a chick; on a chicken, the beak;
I’m routine on a cab; on a sub, I’m unique;
In my pages, I’m numbered; in news, I’m oblique;
And I’m often accused of a cowardly streak.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Susan. See comments for answer.

5 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Andrew Says:

    I got it!! I won’t give the name away, but the name in Spanish is also a town in Texas. I freakin’ rule!

  2. Bill Says:

    When you solve the riddle, you can go ahead and post it. I’ll make a note that the riddle was solved (and by whom) and people can decide for themselves if they want to peek.

  3. Susan Says:

    I’m yellow!

  4. Bill Says:

    Quite rightly! YELLOW is correct. Congratulations, Susan!

    Honorable mention to Andrew, who has clearly known it since this morning.

  5. Susan Says:

    I have to credit Andrew with the assist. Amarillo gave it away!

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