Archive for April 1st, 2007

The Tudors: Episode 1

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Just a reminder that The Tudors premiers tonight on Showtime. You can also view the episode On Demand, or for free online.

Use the comments section of this post to discuss the episode. Any comments I may have will be posted in the comments section as well.

This is the first of a ten-part series. If I like the show, and others want to talk about it as well, this may become a weekly feature here on the blog, like the Slings & Arrows thread that just came to an end along with the series. Let me know what you think.

WARNING: Comments may contain further discussion of the show, including potential spoilers. Click through only after viewing the episode. Commenters may discuss this episode as freely as they like, but are asked not to spoil future episodes they may have seen online or elsewhere.

By the way, did you know that the beginning of the Tudor dynasty is marked at the end of Shakespeare’s Richard III, when the Earl of Richmond (a Lancaster) marries the Princess Elizabeth (a York), uniting the two houses, ending the War of the Roses, and becoming King Henry VII? That’s hot.