Thursday Morning Riddle

I have been to a theatre abroad and come back;
I’m a doctor legit, though I might treat a quack;
Philadelphia sports fans can visit my plaque;
And I check out your past to make sure you’re on track.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Lee. See comments for answer.

12 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Lee Says:


  2. Bill Says:

    VET is correct! Way to go, Lee!

    You know, I grew up in Philadelphia, but I only learned this morning that they demolished Veterans Stadium in 2004, which was a bit of a shock for me. All that’s left of the Vet is a parking lot and a commemorative plaque.

    I’m really glad there’s at least a plaque. I mean, a place filled with my happy childhood memories may be gone, but at least it was done in a way that allowed me to complete my rhyme. And in the end, isn’t that what’s really important?

  3. Lee Says:

    I think you should write a poem about that.

  4. Lee Says:

    The times of postings appear to be an hour off, too. At least the times it lists for when I post are an hour behind. Fix that.

  5. Bill Says:

    Lee, there’s nothing to be done. You’ll just have to move to a different time zone.

    But here’s your poem:

    The Vet was there and now it’s not.
    It has become a parking lot.
    Burma Shave.

  6. Lee Says:

    Nicely done. It’s 12:06 here. In DC.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Hey I don’t think I get the Theatre connection? For to explain? Anyway – the new design is GORGEOUS!!! Good 4 you!!!

  8. Bill Says:

    You caught me playing! I’m experimenting with a new design. New thread on that anon.

    Theatre = Theatre of Operations, i.e. Where a war takes place.

  9. DeLisa Says:

    Ahhhhhh….now I understand. Again, the look – I love it.

  10. Andrew Says:

    Bill, you should give me a call. I have some news about Uncle Bill.

    (to all other readers, this is an inside joke).

  11. Bill Says:

    My cousin refers to our Uncle Bill (great-uncle, actually) who died about fifteen years ago.

    Today, I’m Uncle Bill. And the torch is passed on.

    The inside joke is that I wasn’t told about Uncle Bill’s passing for about a week after the fact, and boy was I pissed.

    I can only assume that the mention of the Vet brought back some memory for Andrew that made him think of Uncle Bill. Otherwise, I don’t know why he’d be posting this here.

  12. Bill Says:

    The time problem should be fixed now. Lee, no need to move.

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