Words, Words, Words

A bit of silliness to start the weekend…

Remember those text adventure games from the 1980’s, like Zork and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

Well, Robin Johnson created Hamlet: The Text Adventure Game.

It’s pretty clever. I enjoyed playing it for a bit, then got frustrated and gave up. Just like Zork and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

But if any of you are interested in playing this game collaboratively, I’d be curious to see where it goes. I got as far as Banquo. (Yeah, you start to wander into other plays.) Use the comments thread below to compare notes.

UPDATE: Never mind about playing collaboratively. There’s a hints page. So if you get stuck, you can go there and get as many hints as you need to finish the game. It’s worth checking out for the Shakespeare-related laughs integrated throughout the game. For example, Richard III will actually trade you his kingdom for a horse.

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