Shakespeare Anagram: Timon of Athens

From Timon of Athens:

If wrongs be evils and enforce us kill,
What folly ’tis to hazard life for ill!

Shift around the letters, and it becomes:

Sarah vilified the wrong Arizonian to followers, bluffly deflects kills.

Context here and here.

5 Responses to “Shakespeare Anagram: Timon of Athens”

  1. Dharam Says:

    Styled like a frail overblown doll,
    This frozen fishwife’s courting a fall!

  2. Dharam Says:

    Follow the devil and it will backfire,
    fully fostering fresh Arizona loss!

  3. Dharam Says:

    ‘Lovely’ wolf killer will rationalize the bad stuff–
    offending crosshairs!

  4. Bill Says:

    Wow. That last one is truly amazing.

  5. Dharam Says:

    Thanks! The quote has a lot of possibilities.

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